TOYS Import: Japan Requirements and Regulations
To distribute and sell toys in Japan, manufacturers must demonstrate that they are compliant with the Japan Food Sanitation Act, commonly known as the ‘Japan Food Sanitation Law (JFSL)’ and/or with the Japan Toy Safety Standard (ST Standard). In addition, all toys compliant with the ST standard must qualify to display the Safety Toy Mark (ST Mark). Partner with Approved Laboratory to confidently bring toys to the Japanese market.
The requirements for toys destined for Japan are:
– The regulatory requirements of the ‘Japan Food Sanitation Law (JFSL)’.
– The voluntary Japan Toy Safety Standard (ST Standard) and Safety Toy Mark

Enacted as Act Number 233, 1947 by the MHLW, the specifications and standards for food under the JFSL are set out under Notification No. 370, 1959 ‘Specifications and Standards for Food and Food Additives, etc.’
How does JFSL Apply to Toys?
The Notification also provides technical specifications and standards for toys. The law requires the use of a toy in the form in which it will be marketed (finished goods), including paints and similar surface coatings materials on toys, to be tested for demonstration of compliance. Toys falling within the scope of the JFSL, are defined as:
– Toys, including pacifiers, intended to come into direct contact with the infant’s mouth (e.g. harmonicas).
– Balloons, clays, dolls, housekeeping toys, intellectual development facilitating toys (only those which have the potential to come into contact with an infant’s mouth), masks, origami (folding papers), rattles, Roly-Polies, toy animals, toy building bricks, toy telephones, toy jewelry, toy vehicles, Utsushi-e (decal sticker toy) and wooden blocks.
– Toy accessories to be played in combination with toys mentioned in the bullet points above (e.g. rails for a toy train set).
ST Standard In 1971, the JTA, a public interest entity approved by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, established the Japan Toy Safety Standard (ST Standard) to ensure the safety of toys for children. It covers all the legal requirements from the JFSL for toys as designated by the MHLW. The ST Standard consists of three safety standards:
1. ST Part 1 – Mechanical and Physical Properties.
2. ST Part 2 – Flammability.
3. ST Part 3 – Chemical Properties.
Under ST Standard, a designated Foreign Testing Laboratory (a laboratory other than a designated Testing Laboratory in Japan) can only service ST Standard Part 3 ‘Chemical Properties’.

ST Mark
The ST Mark Programme in brief:
– The JTA enters an ST Mark License Agreement with a business that manufactures, imports or sells toys. • A JTA-approved designated testing body conducts ST Standard conformity tests on toys manufactured, imported, or sold by the business.
– The JTA licenses the business to place toys, or their packaging, bearing the ST Mark on the market.
– The JTA indemnifies ST Mark Licensees caused by defective toys bearing the ST Mark
1. Evaporation residue
2. Formaldehyde
3. Heavy Metals
4. Migration of colouring matters
5. Phenol
6. Potassium permanganate consumption
7. Phthalates (BBP, DBP, DEHP, DIDP, DINP and DNOP
Want to Import your Products to Japan?
COVUE offers brands and OEMs complete Japan import and market compliance. We are more than an ACP or IOR, we are the direct market license holder for Japan import, sales & marketing, manufacturing, repair & tax representation.
In addition, COVUE can provide Japan-qualified invoice services to foreign sellers.